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rafdevis: It does help, but you are basically confirming what I said. The French telecoms market I don't know too much about, but I am very suspicious of it, as are many of my northern European and Dutch friends who say they've "had the misfortune" of encountering it.

Getting rid of the download limits is a fantastically superb idea! More and more services are streaming based (for instance an online radio service that I use). I do not consider myself a heavy user of bandwidth - I'm hardly running scene servers and I never have. I am just a normal, average consumer who is not used to getting held back in my exploration of new services by.. Well. Download limits usually applied to mobile phones in other countries. And even then, on many European markets even the download limits for mobile phone internet rentals are starting to go away. My internet experience is severely limited by the download limits. I do not want to be restricted to .txt files in my communication with the outside world.

Expanding your services to after-hours is not kind unless you're going to employ people. Today I met a friend who has consistently been let down by your customer service for two months. "We will have someone call you later today." Just admit it, Belgian telcos hate their customers and the state is raking in the profits Belgacom is making through their shares.