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For 10 EUR/month you get unlimited download with all our pricing plans! That will solve your problem, won't it?

Mobile data limits are ever increasing, indeed. Disappearing is still limited to a very few number of operators, mostly when they're smaller and still use it as a marketing strategy to win over customers. Seeing they have fewer customers they don't experience the pressure on their mobile networks. (Btw, I think they're currently giving 2 months free internet on gsm if you order on our website). If you use a lot more than 1 Gb a month you must be a very heavy user, no?

We're indeed employing new people to support the increasing workload. I think today we talked about more than 300 people being engaged.

What was your friend's problem? Have him/her drop me a an e-mail and I'll pass it on to get it fixed.

We love our customers :) Our service is far from perfect but we're working really hard on it. I've seen things change majorly over the past months.

Hope it helps!