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I have a sincere and very bad confession to make. Our party secretary, Mårten Fjällström, who did the accounting for us for a bit over one year, asked me repeatedly to send in receipts for the journey that me and Sandra Grosse were meant to have made in December 2009. I did not, ever, during that entire year. Therefore, 7000 SEK from 2009 that were "inofficially" given to me from the budget because I guess I had a good sales pit, are not accounted for and this is extremely unfair to, among others, the people in Göteborg who had organised a brilliant patent forum just 4 months earlier. It is also grossly unfair to the people who wanted to organise a demonstration that autumn in Malmö.

Even more unfair is that the money never actually got used.

I had fallen badly ill that week, and asked if Sandra wanted to go alone. After Sandra had researched all options for getting money back for the flights, and debooking the youth hostel, it was very soon obvious that there was not going to be a journey. Sandra did not want to go alone, and there was no one who could have stood in for me at that time.

As it happened, Sandra has since been able to go two or three times to attent the Standing Committee on Patents at WIPO and with grand success. Sandra has brought back very positive experiences from the forums that I think have benefitted Ung pirat, their contact network, and their internationally oriented activities. We are very lucky to have that experience, and that knowledge, within the organisation now. Kudos to Sandra. Just... Awkward shame and hopefully reproaching on me.