Be it patent law, copyright, trademarks... each of them is being twisted in every imaginary way to maximize profit for the corporations that fight our battles on the world arena. Each power centre tries to claim and extend the maximum rights for his own sponsored corporations, and also increase available resources to them by minimising the cost of running them... be it by lowering taxes, allowing less environment-aware production processes, dumping hidden costs on the community or the public budget, ...
Most of us do not understand yet we (by proxy, through our elites) are waging a global war and sacrifices are being imposed on us.
Every single aspect of our lives is getting out of control, as we will simply be starved to keep on feeding the assault and defence mechanisms those elites oppose to each other in order to fulfil their duty to safeguard our survival to the bitter end.
We wont survive as common people if we are not able to correctly assess the logical deadlock our elites delusionally live within, and defuse their behavioural dysfunction.
To be able to do that, we have to clear our minds of the wrong ideas we have been spoon fed through time to support the need for the buildup whose final stages wev are living these days, leading to a present that is so different in reality of what we have been taught to think... that we dare not open our eyes because the real world might be waiting miles beyond our feet, and it does not help Icarus in such a position to be aware of the fact that the wax that holds together his wings is melting if he was not even aware of the fact that he was flying nor does he know how to fix the problem.
Awake, and be aware... at least enough to be able to make a difference.
Whoever forsakes freedom for security, will get neither, because when freedom is outlawed... only the outlaw can be free.
Never thought I would be telling that to Pirates ;)
You care, and many others should too.
Be it patent law, copyright, trademarks... each of them is being twisted in every imaginary way to maximize profit for the corporations that fight our battles on the world arena. Each power centre tries to claim and extend the maximum rights for his own sponsored corporations, and also increase available resources to them by minimising the cost of running them... be it by lowering taxes, allowing less environment-aware production processes, dumping hidden costs on the community or the public budget, ...
Most of us do not understand yet we (by proxy, through our elites) are waging a global war and sacrifices are being imposed on us.
Every single aspect of our lives is getting out of control, as we will simply be starved to keep on feeding the assault and defence mechanisms those elites oppose to each other in order to fulfil their duty to safeguard our survival to the bitter end.
We wont survive as common people if we are not able to correctly assess the logical deadlock our elites delusionally live within, and defuse their behavioural dysfunction.
To be able to do that, we have to clear our minds of the wrong ideas we have been spoon fed through time to support the need for the buildup whose final stages wev are living these days, leading to a present that is so different in reality of what we have been taught to think... that we dare not open our eyes because the real world might be waiting miles beyond our feet, and it does not help Icarus in such a position to be aware of the fact that the wax that holds together his wings is melting if he was not even aware of the fact that he was flying nor does he know how to fix the problem.
Awake, and be aware... at least enough to be able to make a difference.
Whoever forsakes freedom for security, will get neither, because when freedom is outlawed... only the outlaw can be free.
Never thought I would be telling that to Pirates ;)