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I think one of the problems it´s the fact that the copyright enforcement rhetoric try to depict that copyright and culture goes in hand in each other. Which is absolutely not true.

Policymakers need to start talking in terms of supporting culture not supporting enforcement. Because Copyright does not guarantee by any means culture development and creativity. Neither being rewarded. The situation we have now it´s proof of that: you have a small group of rightholders cashing out on copyrights while a huge amount of people keeps creating in very precarious conditions, regardless copyright.

The rhetoric of "we need copyrighto help thrive vibrant creative industries in the digital economy" it´s really a joke and it´s unfortunate i´ts being use so frequently in directives, recommendations and memorandums.

More like we need to stop osbstructing a serious discussion about culture, funding and fair retribution without even mentioning copyright and it´s enforcement. Not necessary at all, unless you want to benefit only a small group of corporations and not cultural producers and creativity at large.

Maybe they should be a system that turns all copyright and enforcement references on institutional docs in lollipops. :)