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Hey hi hello PP Sverige! I watched throughout most videos, be them #exile6e or longer "Hacking the exile" webisodes and I have to remarkably conclude that you people rock and I very well appreciated the inner workings of Strasbourg EP HQ. Thank you so much for including RMS ( in cast on Data Protection. It's a pity that EP is not adhering more to Open Standards, since my viewpoint is it could serve as a respected role model for implementing LibreOffice suite (or at least Apache OpenOffice) and WebRTC protocol for social communication.

I have a question, well it is more of a polite request aimed at video producer Tess. What is the exact title of ending jingle used in HTE show? Might make a nice alarm tone.. (=

Also one for Amelia, at what age did she use computer for the first time (any misty thoughts on HW specs)?! And one more for Tess, isn't swimming underwater a bit riskier with septum piercing?

What you folks think about UK education reform in means of putting Raspberry Pi programmable boards into schools.. no chance at similar proposal e.g. with Cubieboard (graphics chip is more suitable) at least for richer member states?! Or broader OLPC deployment with Sugar environment? Those are just few things that come to my mind. Trust me, FreePascal & Microsoft Office know-how won't be enough to raise privacy aware & mesh-networking capable generation of children.

Anyways, anything new related to common unified legal ground for DRM-free streaming services within EU?

Hope there will be a chance to win Guy Fawkes' mask in some of the coming episodes (or some mega poster). d-_-b \m/

PS: Because I saw Slovak flag waving at 1:47 timestamp && since this episode is about bear (hopefully biodegradable).. ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ

PPS: I wanted to post this originally at YouTube channel, however a person without G+ activated is unwelcome to. #fail