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EME's DRM component is called a CDM. A CDM that works with netflix is required to interoperate with Netflix offering.

Neither the W3C nor Netflix nor Microsoft nor Google nor Widevine nor any of the Widevine subsidiaries nor any Operating system is currently offering a Netflix compatible CDM, Documentation and samples to Open Source software.

Mozilla could reverse engineer what IE11 and Chromebook uses, but this would be disallowed because of the DRM-circumvention clause in the DMCA.

This means that only proprietary browser like IE11, or Chrome builds from google (which are proprietary, with bits tacked on like video codecs under license, and a CDM) can legally/technically support EME.

This means that open source/community browsers like Firefox, Chromium, Webkit builds, Community Android browsers and so forth will not be legally/technically be able to support a CDM that works with Netflix. They might be able to implement their own CDM, but Netflix will not support that.

This is a grave threat to the web as Open Source/community browsers are the backbone of innovation for the web. If the web reverts to a state where only proprietary programs can legally/technically serve the full web experience, then innovation on the web as a whole (not just in a few novel niches) will cease.