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A new colleague

Hello everyone, my name is Ulf Pettersson and I'd like to take this opportunity to introduce myself. As of a few days I have had the honor of working for Amelia here in Brussels. I have been hired with the job description of Policy Adviser and will be joining Mattias and Julien as part of Amelias staff, together with Christian who unfortunately will be with us only for a shorter period. I will mainly work with issues relating to international trade, mainly towards specific countries, one of which is Japan. Additionally I will work with copyright and intellectual property issues since I have previously taken an interest in the economics and politics of copyright.

I'm Swedish and have lived most of my life in Stockholm. I hold a B.A. in Political Science from Stockholm University and a Masters in Business and Economics from Uppsala University. My competence as an advisor stems mainly from this as well as having written two bachelors theses on copyright.

These and other investigations led me to the conclusion that copyright, as well as intellectual property in general, is in need of deep reforms. The ongoing mismanagement, repressiveness and catering to special interests in the field is simply astounding. So naturally I'm very excited to be joining Amelia and her great team here in Brussels.


Hej Ulf och Amelia. Visst är det den Ulf som jag delade säng med i Bryssel i april? :) Grymt att du ska hjälpa Amelia. Önskar att jag också kunde. Men nu är ni ett dream team.

Hej Lakritsbiten / Stefan

Visst, jag är samme Ulf som du hängde med på resan hit i våras.
Du drar dig inte för att outa att vi delat säng, får väl se vilka lustiga missförstånd som kan uppkomma från detta ;D

Absolut är det grymt att jag fått möjlighet att arbeta för Amelia och du hjälper ju till du också i Sverige vad jag förstår. Dream team - vad snäll du är. Amelia är i varje fall en Dream-MEP; du skulle se hur dedikerad och insatt hon är.

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