3 quater. Each party shall endeavor to promote the development of mutually supportive relationships between online service providers and right holders to deal effectively with patent, industrial design, trademark and copyright or relater rights infringement which takes place by means of the Internet, including the encouragement of establishing guidelines for the actions which should be taken.]
Fundering 2: Telekompaketets nya art 33.3 i 2002/22/EC säger "may", inte "shall" om samarbete ispar o ifpar emellan. Vet inte om svenska implementationen av TKP har med 33.3 men jag tror inte det. Ergo: ACTA > svensk lagstiftning, eller??
Kolla ACTA 3 quater:
3 quater. Each party shall endeavor to promote the development of mutually supportive relationships between online service providers and right holders to deal effectively with patent, industrial design, trademark and copyright or relater rights infringement which takes place by means of the Internet, including the encouragement of establishing guidelines for the actions which should be taken.]
Fundering ett: se http://www.iptegrity.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=553&I...
Fundering 2: Telekompaketets nya art 33.3 i 2002/22/EC säger "may", inte "shall" om samarbete ispar o ifpar emellan. Vet inte om svenska implementationen av TKP har med 33.3 men jag tror inte det. Ergo: ACTA > svensk lagstiftning, eller??
Vad hette Rosénpojken som var ansvarig för att ACTA < svenk lagstiftning? Undrar om han kolla detta?