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Framework for studying technologies, competition and human rights

While I was working for ARTICLE 19, my colleague Isa Stasi and I wrote a framework for studying the interactions between competition law, human rights and technical standards. We focused specifically on finding common denominators between these already existing frameworks. Our intention was develop a common language to talk about risks to human rights holders, which could be used by both competition lawyers and standards engineers to talk about and remedy those risks. We tested our framework on three different areas (5G, network neutrality and smartphone apps) which have been discussed from a freedom of speech and data protection angle. The material was also used sparingly as internal educational materials at ARTICLE 19.

Framework for studying technology, competition and human rights.

Applying the framework in practice (use-case #1): 5G Technologies.

Applying the framework in practice (use-case #2): Net neutrality.

Applying the use-case in practice (use-case #3): Smartphone applications.

Framework for studying technology, competition and human rights: Glossary (annex).