Amelia Andersdotter :: home : stuff : talks : writing : about : archives : svenska

Policy writing

"Policy strategies for value-based technology standards", A. Andersdotter, L. Olejnik, Internet Policy Review, 2021. [here]

Tech Trends Watch for CENTR starting in April 2020 and regularly (and sequentially!) listed here.

Whitepaper "EU-domstolens ogiltigförklarande av Privacy Shield" for Safespring in 2020 here.

Contributions to P802E Privacy Recommendations from 2018-2019 here.

Contributions on data protection, identity and/or surveillance policy in Sweden from 2015-2018 here.

"Breach notifications: a step towards cyber-security for consumers and citizens", CIS, 2017. [here]

"Has the Time Come for Less Red-tape in Indian Telecom?", CyFy Digital, ORF, 2017. [here]


In autumn 2018 I wrote a quite long note on Facebook about the hateful rhetoric espoused by the copyright lobby against citizens, librarians, web services and other entities that you might otherwise believe to be good to have in a democracy, or at least relatively harmless. I have since closed my Facebook account, but saved the text in [swedish | english ].

"Djupare juridisk analys med jurimetri – En fallstudie i upphovsrätten", Juridisk tidskrift, 2018.

"Evaluating Websites and Their Adherence to Data Protection Principles: Tools and Experiences", IFIP Summer School proceedings, 2016, with Anders Jensen-Urstad.

"Om samordnade förfaranden och vertikala begränsningar mellan elektroniska kommunikationstjänster och informationssamhällets leverantörer vid avtal om avgiftsfri datatrafik", student thesis, Lund university, 2017. [here, Swedish]

"Use of Helmholtz criteria in search for equilibria in games", student thesis, Lund university, 2016. here, English]