
It's an unrelated comment but I've had the opportunity to advocate big pharma databases for clinical trials twice the last week. Once to a Johnson&Johnson lobbyist(!) who frowned his eyebrows very worriedly and quickly said that he did not believe in any general transparency laws in this area. Hahaha.

Like here, for instance: http://www.astrazenecaclinicaltrials.com/trials/last-30days-trials/?dateRange=30

It's the AstraZeneca clinical trial database, you can see which ones are running, which ones are failed, where, results, etc. GlaxoSmithKlein also has one, and maybe Hoffman-La Rouche, except I'm not entirely sure if I visited personally the last one. Seems maybe the European enterprises are more happy to be transparent about their clinical trials than their European counterparts (unless anyone knows anything about Eli Lilly?)