
From another country i would like to tell you that from the first reply given by this representative you where clearly denied access with pretty words. Three reasons for that:
- You where not on top of your game here. Too late.
- You didn't have a personal relationship with that person, you didn't even know her personally. Relations mean everything in a situation like this. Networking is critical for your success.
- You are dependant on other parties, which she also clearly uncovered.
They live by bureacracy, so you either follow their rules, which they change as they see fit, or you are denied access.
You should therefor have a large team of dedicated people with the sole purpose of spotting any and all possible things which could be helpfull to you, and not whine about being denied access.
You have to start running faster then them if you want to catch up. Forget about this oppertunity, you already missed the boat by 6 months. They will also do everything in their power to make it hard for you, so follow their rules, and get on top of your game, work very hard and in a year or two you will be part of that election process if it comes again.

Notice with the UKIP, when you really start to gain momentum (not yet, trust me on that) you will notice a strong increase in difficulty to keep running faster then them. You will then have to endure smearcampaigns, personal threats, needless investigations into your walk and talk and more. Power is dirty, and with great power, lots of dirt comes your way. You better take heed of that.