One of the smallest countries in Europe - Luxembourg - held its national elections yesterday. Pirate Party of Luxembourg, one of the successful Pirate parties in Europe, tried to make it to the national Chamber of Deputies.
As all of us know, children security on the internet is a problematic issue. Yet an important one. it is constantly triggering a lot of discussions in pretty much all the countries and even in the European Parliament.
Having in mind that W3C will decide about the future of EME in the new HTML5 standard in a very short time, we decided to set up a panel debate that can help to raise awareness about this topic in general.
Freedom not Fear. Svoboda místo strachu. Freiheit statt angst. Слобода уместо страха. La liberté pas la peur. In all languages, in many countries throughout the whole Europe a popular event was held in order to point out the importance of freedom in current digitized world.
Yesterday we had another meeting related to the copyright reform policy in the European Parliament. The name of the event was "Private Copying Levies and the main idea was: How to reform copyright and what should be done with the copyright levies that are payed when empty media is purchased.
Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Jan Loužek, and my nickname in the internet reality is Aktron. I am a new intern here in Brussels at Amelia's office.
This week Amelia is in Strasbourg for the monthly plenary session. During these days, she will work with many of the dossiers the she is involved at the moment, as there will be shadow meetings for the Collective Rights Management, eTEN and eID legislations. There will be also a press conference on the data protection campaing and votes on the Public Sector Information directive. You can take a more detailed look to her schedule here:
This week Amelia is in Strasbourg for the monthly plenary session. As usually, Strasbourg weeks are intense and full of meetings. Late in the week, Amelia will travel to Stockholm for the Stockholm Internet Forum. You can see her schedule below:
Monday 15:00 – 16:00 Meeting with the .kids foundation 16:00 – 18:00 Green Group Meeting