
Weekley meetings

The highlinght of this week is the event organised by Amelia in cooperation with MEP Ivailo Kalfin (S&D) on opening up public information for transparency, knowledge and growth. The re-use of Public Sector Information have started giving promising results in improving the accountability of public bodies towards its citizens and in creating new and innovative businesses within the EU. Still, today's challenges need to be addressed to reach optimal re-use of public sector information and that is the main topic in this event.



9.00-17.00 Legal reasoning in the political process

11.00-12.00 ENISA technical meeting

16:30 - 18:30 Extended planning meeting, drafting of short and medium term schedule and activities



9.00-17.00 Legal reasoning in the political process

12.30-14.30 General Data Protection regulation, GSMA Europe



14.00-16.00 Event Opening up public information for transparency, knowledge and growth



9.00-12.30 Event Copyright what is broken how to mend it (S&D)

9.00-12.00 Work meeting on Exile6s movie series

16.00-18.00 Event EU40 welcomes Star Trek and ESA astronauts to the European Parliament

18.00-21.00 Event - opening of new EDRi office in Bruxelles



11.00-12.00 ENISA technical meeting


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